Monday, September 19, 2011

5 Knees to Elbows
5 Strict Pullups
10 OHS
10 Passthroughs
10 Good Mornings

Power Clean 2-2-2

AMRAP: 12 Minutes
5 Situps
5 Goblet Squats (53/35)
5 Pushups
rest approximately 5 minutes...then run 800m for Time

1 comment:

  1. Dave: 11 Rounds+ 2 Situps 3:45 run Bench 4x10 (115-135-155-175)
    J: 11 Rounds+ 5 Goblet Squats (13# gs) 5:43 run
    Brian: 13 Rounds (box step ups instead of gs) 4:29 run
    Angelica: 15rnds + 1 gs 3:49 Run 115#pcx2
    Ryan C: 12 Rounds+3 Pushups 35#gs form work on pc 4:24 Run
    Wayne: 11 Rounds 35#gs 6:39 Run
    Vest: 25 Rounds 215x1pc 205x2pc 2:47 Run
    then...3 rounds 10 shoulder shrugs @ 225 + 6 strict pullups
    WOD 2:
    10 Rounds 12:33
    100 Jump Rope Singles
    100m Sprint
