Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Coach Led

You choose 3 or 4 of the following movements
Air Squats
Toes to Bar
Wall Balls
Ring Dips
Box Jumps
However, you have to decide the rep count before you start the workout and you have to stick to whatever it is that you choose.


  1. Sideswipe: 19:28
    Front Squat: 45x5-65x5-75x5-85x5-95x3
    5 Rounds
    15 Burpees
    15 Wall Balls-14#
    15 Box Jumps-20"
    15 Situps

    Bee: 14:44
    5 Rounds
    15 Air Squats
    15 Pushups
    15 Situps
    15 Bench Dips

    Barricade: 18:05
    75 Box Jumps-18"
    75 Wall Balls-14#
    75 Situps
    75 Burpees

    Mirage: 13:37
    5 Rounds
    24 Situps
    18 Air Squats
    12 Box Dips
    6 Wall Balls-12#

    Patrick: 14:15
    12 Air Squats x 1
    9 Situps x 5
    6 Wall Balls x 1
    3 Pushups x 2
    6 Pushups x 4

  2. Amelia: 18:26
    3 Rounds
    25 Situps
    25 Box Jumps-18"
    25 Burpees
    25 Air Squats

    Swerve: 21:21
    3 Rounds
    25 Burpees
    25 Wall Balls-16#
    25 Box Jumps-20"
    25 Situps

    Moonracer: 23:24
    5 Rounds
    20 Situps
    5 TTB
    15 Box Jumps
    5 TTB
    10 Pushups
    5 TTB

    Esme: 21:17
    3 Rounds
    25 Situps
    25 Pushups
    25 Air Squats
    25 Box Jumps-12"

  3. Shockwave: 2 + 3 TTB
    Team 15 Minute AMRAP
    20 TTB
    20 BSquats
    20 BSitups
    20 Overhead Squats-75#
    20 Power Cleans 165/115#
