Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3 Rounds
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Air Squats
10 Back Extensions
stretch and do mobility work

25 Burpees
Run 400m with a 20# medicine ball
25 Weighted pullups
Run 400m with a 20# medicine ball
25 Handstand pushups
Run 400m with a 20# medicine ball
25 Chest to bar pullups
Run 400m w/ a 20# medicine ball
25 Burpees


  1. Starscream:23:41
    20# Bag for all 400m Run
    25 Strict Pullups with Red Band
    25 Hspu with 2 Abmats
    25 Kipping/CTB Pullups w/ Red Band

  2. Grimlock: Not for time
    25 Situps
    550m Run
    25 Situps
    550m Run
    25 Situps
    550m Run
    25 Situps

  3. Celeste: 14:10
    10 Burpees
    200m Run
    10 Pullups-Red & Blue Band
    200m Run
    10 Bench Hspu
    200m Run
    10 Pullups-Red & Blue Band
    200m Run
    10 Burpees

  4. Ratchet: 20:58
    10# Ball for all 400m in between
    25 Burpees
    25 Ring Rows
    25 Situps
    25 Ring Rows
    25 Burpees

  5. Jazz: 24:34
    No # on 400m
    Strict Pullups w/ Red & Blue Band
    Chest to Bar Pullups w/ Red & Blue Band
    Box Hspu

  6. Ironhide: 26:04
    No # on 400m
    Strict Pullups w/ Red & Blue Band
    Chest to Bar Pullups w/ Red & Blue Band
    Hspu w/ 2 Abmats

  7. Bee: 25:13
    15 Reps each instead of 25
    20# Bag for all 400m
    Green band for pullups
    Box Hspu

  8. Sideswipe: 26:30
    20# ball-45# Bag-20#bag-20# Bag
    (had to trade off due to equipment)
    Strict pullups no band
    Chest to bar pullups no band
    Box Hspu

  9. Prowl: 21:45
    45# Bag for 400m
    Red Band for strict pullups
    No band for chest to bar pullups
    Box Hspu

  10. Shockwave: 23:17
    20# Bag-20# Ball-45# Bag-20# Bag for Run
    Strict pullups w/ red band
    Chest to bar pullups w/ red band
    Box hspu
