Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We are going to start off the new year with a WOD that has not been done here before. The only thing is that this is going to have to be done over a short stretch of time. So don't be surprised if you read the WOD of the day and you show up to the box and I tell you it's time to Row 10k!!! Since we only have one rower, we will just have one person rowing per class and will continue the process until the row has been completed by everyone=)

Overhead Squat 5-5-5

10 Minute AMRAP
5 Toes To Bar
10 Overhead Squats


  1. Shockwave: 39:15
    10k Row
    (took my 5k time while I was there=) 19:29

  2. Jacke: 5 Rounds + 8 OHS
    Form work for OHS
    15# Bar - Knees to Chest

  3. Esme: 5 Rounds + 8 Goblet Squats
    Worked on Squat form work
    Goblet squats w/ 26# KB - Knees to Chest

  4. Bee: 5 Rounds + 7 OHS
    45# OHS - TTB

  5. Jorge: 7 Rounds
    Worked on OHS form w/ light bar
    WOD: 10 Min AMRAP
    5 TTB
    7 Box Squats w/ 45# Bar
    Used 3 45# plates for a box
