Monday, December 9, 2013

No Strength

3 Rounds
5 Thrusters
10 Back Squats
15 Pushups
20 KB Swings


  1. Jazz: 9:47
    5 Burpees
    10 Push Press 33#/10 Air Squats
    15 Pushups
    20 Back Extensions

    Barricade: 8:43
    75# Thrusters and Back Squats/35# KB

    Grim: 15:25
    85# Thrusters and Back Squats/35# KB

    Skidz: 8:04
    10 Goblet Squats-18#
    15 Pushups
    20 KB Swings

    Bee: 9:31
    45# Thrusters and Back Squats/35# KB

    Mirage: 8:43
    5 Pushups
    10 Push Press-15#
    15 KB Swings-13#
    20 Back Extensions

    Sideswipe: 7:04
    33# Thrusters and Back Squats/26# KB

  2. Swerve: 11:00
    85# Thrusters and Back Squats/35# KB

    Shockwave: 10:07
    85# Thrusters and Back Squats/35# KB
