Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Abmat Situps
Air Squats
Ball Slams
Pass Throughs
Med Ball Cleans
Barbell or PVC Thrusters

Thrusters-speed and strength

14 Minute AMRAP
14 Wall Balls
14 Toes to Bar
14 Double Unders
14 KB Swings

Courtesy of SCF


  1. Starscream: 4 + 7 TTB
    Thrusters with 73# 3x3
    14 Minute AMRAP
    14 Wall Balls-14#
    7 TTB
    7 Medball Little Bigs
    14 Double Unders
    14 KB Swing-35#

  2. Terry: 3 + 11 Ball Slams
    Form Work
    10 Minute AMRAP
    14 Ball Slams-12#
    7 Situps
    14 Jump Rope Singles

    Bee: 4 + 7 Situps
    Thrusters 45-55-65-75-75 all x 3
    14# Wall Balls/Situps/18" Stepups/35# KB

    Mirage: 5 + 3 Ball Slams
    4x10 Push Press @ 15#
    14 Minute AMRAP
    14 Ball Slams-10#
    14 Situps
    14 KB Swings-18#

    Sideswipe: 4 + 9 KB Swings
    Thrusters 65x5-75x3-75x3-75x3
    14# Wall Balls/V-Ups/DU/35# KB

  3. Swerve: 5 Rounds
    Thruster 75#-85# Form work
    20# WB/V-ups/DU/35# KB

    Moonracer: 4+7 TTB
    Thruster work with 53#
    10# Wall Balls/ TTBx7/ DU/26# KB

    Amelia: 8 + 5 Situps
    Front Squat form work w/ 15#
    14 Minute AMRAP
    14 Wall Balls-6#
    14 Situps
    14 Jump Rope Singles

  4. Shockwave: 4 + 7 Wall Balls
    Thruster: 65x3-75x3-85x3-95x3
    14# WB/TTB/DU/35# KB
