Monday, May 21, 2012

I know Memorial day is not until next week, but instead of taking a moment or a day or a week, we are going to spend the rest of this month honoring all of those that make it possible for us to have the freedom that we do.  Please put in your very best effort, it is going to be a long two weeks and we can all make it through. No amount of time or work will be enough to show thanks to all of the men and women that serve and protect this country. It is the very least we can do.

Please be sure to say THANK YOU to a vet and/or currently enlisted or reserve military person and remember those who have died for us.

2 Rounds
550m Run
10 Box Jumps
10 Pullups
10 Pass Throughs

In 10 Minutes
Clean 5-3-1+

AMRAP: 12 Minutes
12 Box Jump 24/20
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Bar Facing Burpees

In Memory of SSA Gregory Rahoi who was killed on December 6th, 2006, in a live fire tactical training exercise at Fort A.P. Hill. He is survived by his parents, Natalie and Richard, sister Teri and fiancee Paula Paulk.


  1. Jolt:5 Rounds + 10 Box Jumps
    24" Box-75# Thruster
    Full Clean: 95x5-115x3-135x1
    Got 140x1 but it was ugly

  2. Sideswipe: 6 Rounds + 3 Box Jumps
    20" Box-63# Thruster
    Full Clean: 63x5-83x3-93x3-103x1

  3. Ratchet: 5 Rounds + 1 Burpee
    24" Box-65# Thruster
    Full Clean

  4. Ironhide: 5 Rounds + 1 Box Jump
    15" Box-45# Thruster

  5. Jazz: 5 Rounds
    18" Box- 33# Thruster w/ wooden plates
    Full Clean: 45x5-65x3-75x1

  6. Bee: 4 Rounds + 12 Box Jumps
    20" Box Step-ups-45# Thruster w/ wooden plates
    Full Clean: 45x5-65x3-75x1

  7. Martina: 4 Rounds + 6 Push Press
    13" Box-Replaced thruster with 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Press @ 45#
    Clean: Form work

  8. Shockwave: 6 Rounds + 5 Box Jumps
    20" Box Jumps-65# Thruster
    Full Clean: 63x5-83x3-103x1-113x1-123x1

  9. Prowl: 5 Rounds + 4 Thrusters
    24" Box-80# Thrusters
    Full Clean: 95x5-115x3-135x1

  10. Alison: 5 Rounds
    18" Box-15# Thruster

  11. Rampage: 4 Rounds + 3 Thrusters
    20" Box-95# Thrusters
