Overhead Squat: 3-3-3
Wall Balls
Knees to Elbows
KB Swings
A few food tips for parents when it comes to try and get your kiddos to eat healthier with you:
1. Parents, YOU are in charge of food education-if you don't teach your kids no one will
2. Avoid emotional eating
3. Parents schedule meals and menus-kids eat when adults eat-(no short order cooking)
4. Eat family meals together with no distractions
5. Eat your veggies (parents too)
6. You don't have to like it...but you do have to taste it (good to repeat at every meal)
7. No extra snacking (it's ok to feel hungry between meals)
8. Slow food is happy food-(eat slow)
9. Eat mostly REAL food
10.. Enjoy eating and RELAX
Courtesy of www.100realdaysoffood.com
Joey: 8:26
ReplyDeleteOverhead Squat: 83-93-98
7 Rounds
7 Deadlift-138#
50m Run/Sprint
Martina: 11:34
ReplyDeleteDeadlift: 135-145-155
7 Rounds
7 Deadlift-100#
50m Run/Sprint