Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Snatch balance work

25 Pullups
50 Deadlifts
50 Pushups
50 Box Jumps
50 KB Swings
50 Hang Power Clean
25 Pullups


  1. Scrapper: 46:00
    25 Pullups-blue and green
    50 Deadlifts-103#
    50 Pushups-Knees
    50 Box Jumps-18"
    50 KB Swings-20#
    50 Hang Power Clean-53#
    25 Pullups-blue and green

  2. Bee: 33:23
    25 Ring Rows
    50 Deadlifts-105#
    50 Pushups
    25 Box Step-ups
    50 KB Swings-35#
    25 Hang Power Clean-45#
    25 Ring Rows

  3. Sideswipe: 29:27
    25 Pullups-rx
    50 Deadlifts-135#
    50 Pushups-rx
    50 Box Jumps-20"
    50 KB Swings-35#
    50 Hang Power Clean-65
    25 Pullups-rx

  4. Starscream: 39:01
    25 Pullups-rx
    50 Deadlifts-135#
    50 Pushups-rx
    50 Box Jumps-18"
    50 KB Swings-35#
    50 Hang Power Clean-65#
    25 Pullups-blue band

  5. Jolt: 22:29
    25 Pullups-butterfly
    50 Deadlifts-155#
    50 Pushups-rx
    50 Box Jumps-24"
    50 KB Swings-35#
    50 Hang Power Clean-65#
    25 Pullups-rx

  6. Alli P-20:28
    25 Ring Rows
    50 Deadlifts-20# Medball deadlift
    50 Pushups-knees
    50 Box Jumps-18"
    50 KB Swings-20#
    50 Shoulder Press with two 5# dumbells
    25 Ring Rows

  7. Shockwave: 32:05
    25 Pullups-Kipping
    50 Deadlifts-155#
    50 Pushups-HR
    50 Box Jumps-20"
    50 KB Swings-35#
    50 Hang Power Clean-65#
    25 Pullups-Kipping

    This WOD was completed the sunday before everyone else, we also completed 100 box jumps afterwards that took 7:44

  8. Ironhide: 32:05
    25 Pullups-Blue
    50 Deadlifts-110#
    50 Pushups-HR
    50 Box Jumps-18"
    50 KB Swings-26#
    50 Hang Power Clean-53#
    25 Pullups- Blue Band

    This WOD was completed the sunday before everyone else, we also completed 100 box jumps afterwards that took 7:46
