Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Didn't make it in yesterday?

You got it...."Filthy Fifty Remix" =)

If you did....Lurong Challenge WOD 4


  1. Sideswipe: 25:54
    18" Box
    20# MB Deadlift
    14# Wall Ball
    Lunges Rx
    33# Push Press
    14# Ball Slams
    Air Squats Rx
    35# KB Swing
    Situps Rx
    Burpees Rx

  2. Barricade: 26:22
    18" Box
    20# MB Deadlift
    14# Wall Ball
    Lunges Rx
    33# Push Press
    14# Ball Slams
    Air Squats Rx
    35# KB Swing
    Situps Rx
    Burpees Rx

  3. Bee: 27:35
    18" Box Stepups
    20# MB Deadlift
    12# Wall Ball
    Lunges Rx
    45# Push Press
    12# Ball Slams
    Air Squats Rx
    26# KB Swing
    Situps Rx
    No Burpees

  4. Scrapper: 46:05
    18" Box
    20# MB Deadlift
    10# Wall Ball
    Lunges Rx
    33# Push Press
    10# Ball Slams
    Air Squats Rx
    20# KB Swing
    Situps Rx
    Burpees Rx

  5. Shockwave: 143 Reps
    Lurong WOD 4:
    12 Minute AMRAP
    30 Burpee Box Jumps-16"
    30 Overhead Squats-33#
    60 Situps
    40 Pullups
    40 Dips

    got to 23 Pullups

  6. Ironhide: 118 Reps
    Lurong WOD 4:
    12 Minute AMRAP
    30 Burpee Box Jumps-16"
    30 Overhead Squats-35#
    60 Situps
    40 Pullups
    40 Dips

    Got to 58 Situps
