Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Barricade!!!

3 Rounds
10 Iron Cross
10 Air Squats
10 Situps
10 Pushups
10 Pullups
10 Back Extensions

Do some mobility work if necessary

" Bear Complex"
Power Clean-1 rep
Front Squat-1 rep
Push Press-1 rep
Back Squat-1rep
Push Press-1 rep

1 PC + 1 FS+ 1 PP + 1 BS + 1 PP = 1 Cycle...Repeat this 7 Times which =  1 ROUND This is not for time. Once you start a cycle, DO NOT put the weight down until your round is complete. There is a 25 burpee penalty for each time you set the bar down in a round. However, you can take as much time as you want between rounds. In other words, make sure your weight is the right weight for you. You will be increasing the weight with each round.