Wednesday, October 16, 2013

3 Rounds
10 Pushups
10 Pass Throughs
10 Lunges
10 Burpees
50 Jumping Jacks

Close grip bench press 5-5-5-Max Reps
Complete 20 Wall balls between sets

EMOM- 3 Box Jumps
In the remaining time do as many toes to bar as possible....continue this cycle until you complete 100 toes to bar for time!


  1. Grim: 6:47
    Bench Press: 95-115-135-155x5
    Toes to Bar on Bench to 50

    Shockwave: 6:00
    GHD Back Extensions to 100 and 24" Box Jumps

  2. Starscream:
    1 mile Run: 7:27
    Then Cindy w/ Ring Rows: 13 + 5 Ring Rows

    Sideswipe: 10:20
    Bench Press: 55-70-90-95x12
    12" Box Stepups x 6 and 100 TTB

    Bench Press: 95-115-135-155

    Bee: 6:57
    Bench Press: 85-105-120-140x7
    Stepups and 25 TTB Rest 1 minute Stepups then 75 Situps

    Jazz: 13:36
    Bench Press: 65-70-75
    12" Stepups x 4 and 100 TTB
