Monday, April 14, 2014

Foam Roll
CrossFit  NBD Warmup

Front Squat
(use this to warmup to workout weight)

16 Minute AMRAP
Odd Minutes: 4 Squat Cleans
Even Minutes: 6 Air Squats/ 6 Pushups


  1. Sideswipe: Compete
    Front Squat: 63x5-83x5-103x4-113x3
    93# Full Clean/ 6 Air Squats/6 Pushups

    Bee: Complete
    Front Squat: 63x5-83x5-103x4
    65# Back Squats/ 6 Air Squats/6 Pushups

    Mr. T: Cutoff at 12:00
    Box Squats (on back): 45x5-45x5-65x5-65x3
    65# Box Squats/6 Air Squats/6 Pushups

    Mirage: Complete
    10# Dumbell Lunges for Strength 5x10
    6 Shoulder Press (Odds) (10# DB's) / 18 Situps (Evens)

    Grim: Cutoff at 10:00
    Front Squats?
    95# Hang Clean and Front Squat (odds)
    6 Air Squats/ 6 Pullups (evens)

    Starscream: 14?
    Front Squats-95#
    Weighted Burpees

  2. Jolt: Complete
    Front Squat: 65x5-95x5-115x5-125x5
    85# Full Clean/ 6 Air Squats/ 6 Pushups

    Rampage: Complete
    Front Squat: 65x5-95x5115x5125x5
    53# Goblet Squats/ 6 Air Squats/ 10 Pushups

    Moonracer: Complete
    Front Squat: 33x5-53x5-63x5-73x5
    53# PC and FS x3/ 6 Air Squats/ 4 Pushups

    Swerve: Complete
    Front Squat: 53x5-83x5-103x5-123x5
    95# HPC and FS/ 6 Air Squats/ 6 Pushups

    Amelia: Complete
    Front Squat: 33x5-53x5-53x5-58x5
    26# Goblet Squat/ 6 Air Squats/ 6 Pushups

    Esme: Complete
    Front Squat: 33x5-53x5-63x5-83x5-88x5
    35# Goblet Squats/ 6 Air Squats/ 6 Pullups

    Jazz: Complete
    Shoulder Press: 33x5-53x5-58x5
    Evens: 8 Wall Balls-10#
    Odds: 6 Air Squats/ 6 Pushups
