500m Row
Then 2 Rounds
10 Pullups
10 Pass Throughs
10 Back Extensions
10 Good Mornings
10 Air Squats
Strength: work up to a bodyweight squat
100 Double Unders
80 Walking Lunges
60 Box Jumps
40 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Burpees
Esme: 17:47
ReplyDelete200 Jump Rope Singles
80 Air Squats
60 Box Jumps-12"
40 Shoulder to Overhead-33#
20 Pushups
Bee: 3:45
ReplyDelete200m Run
30 Air Squats
20 Situps
10 Ring Rows
5 Pushups
Jennifer L: 8:02
200m Run
30 Air Squats
20 Situps
10 Ring Rows
5 Pushups
Bee: 5:25
ReplyDelete40 Walking Lunges
30 Box Stepups 20"
20 Shoulder to Overhead-33#
10 Burpees
Sideswipe: 13:39
Romanian DL: 45x10-65x5-85x5-105x5-125x5
100 Jump Rope Singles
300m OH Carry w/ 35# plate
60 Situps
40 Shoulder Press-45#
20 Pushups
Barricade: 13:42
50 Double Unders
20" Box
33# STO
Moonracer: 13:41
ReplyDeleteBack Squat: 33-53-73
DU/18" Box Jumps/ 33# STO
Swerve: 14:04
Handstand hold work
DU/ 20" Box Jumps/ 15# STO/
Amelia: 14:28
Air squat form work
300 JRS/ 16" Box Jumps/ 15# STO
Rampage: 17:45
300 JRS/ 24" Box Jumps/ 75# STO