Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Sideswipe (yesterday! really)

2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Pass Throughs
10 Ring Rows
10 Back Extensions
10 Jumping Jacks

Strength: (if doing Sideswipe)
Power Cleans: 3-3-3 Max Reps

5 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 Box Jump Burpee Pullups
25 Abmat Situps


7 Rounds
3 Cleans (any type of clean you choose)
7 Burpee Pullups
10 KB Swings


  1. Sideswipe: 17:25
    Power Clean: 95-105-115-125x3
    Sideswipe: 105# PC/ 35# KB

    Starscream: 25:40
    Power Clean: 95-105-115-125x2
    Carey w/ 24" Box

    Prowl: 12:45
    Power Cleans: 115-125-135-145x3
    Sideswipe: 115# PC/ 53# KB

    Esme: 11:18
    Hang Power Clean: 53-63-73-83
    Sideswipe: 73# HPC/ Pushups instead of burpees/ 26# KB

    Noura: 11:56
    Med Ball Clean work
    5 Rounds: 3 Burpees/ 7 Inverted Bar Rows/ 10 KB Swings-18#

  2. Shocwave: 24:37
    Carey: 24" Box

    Weighted good mornings-15x5-25x5-33x5-45x5-55x5
    Straight Leg Deadlift-5x53-5x73-5x83-5x93-5x113
    Strict Press-5x53-5x73-5x73-5x75-5x80

  3. Lockdown: 7:33
    Power Clean: 95-115-135
    Sideswipe: 3 Burpees/ 7 Inverted bar rows/ 10 KB Swings-35# (5 Rounds)
    Bench Press w/ 185# x 5-5-5-10-10-9-max reps @ 6)

    Amelia: 25:21
    Carey: Burpee Box Jump/jumping Pullups w/ 16" Box

    Moonracer: 26:47
    Carey: 18" Box

    Swerve: 28:02
    Carey: 20" Box
