Monday, August 4, 2014

Foam Roll
3 Rounds
250m Row
15 Air Squats-work on hip mobility
10 Back Extensions
10 Good Mornings
10 Lunges
3x45 Second Planks

Strength: to a heavy set of 5

7 Minute EMOM
5 Deadlifts
Rest 3 Minutes
5 Minutes (30 Seconds work/30 Seconds rest)


  1. Starscream:
    Deadlift 215x5
    EMOM 53# Goblet Squats x 10 / 50 Burpees

    Bee:25 Burpees
    Deadlift: 195x5
    Deadift emom @ 165#

    Mirage: 87 Mountain Climbers (R+L)
    Bench Press EMOM @ 48#

    Omid: 61 Burpees
    Deadlift 195x5
    Deadlifts @ 185x3 reps (working on form)

    Sideswipe: 47 Burpees
    Deadlift: 195x5
    Deadlifts emom @ 165#

    Jazz: 45 Burpees
    Bench press emom @ 48#

    Mudflap: 33 Burpees
    Deadlift emom @ 88#

  2. Grim: 70 Air Squats
    Deadlift: 165x5 working on form
    Deadlift emom 185#

    Jolt: 57 Burpees
    Deadlift: 235x5
    Emom Goblet squats x 10 at 53#

    Esme: 60 Pushups
    Deadlift: 133x5
    Deadlift emom @ 83#

    Moonracer: 46 Burpees
    Deadlift: 133x5
    Deadlift emom @ 103#

    Swerve: 49 Burpees
    Hpc: 125x5
    Hpc emom @ 105#

    Amelia: 46 Burpees
    Deadlift 63x5 working on form
    Deadlift emom @ 63#

    Lockdown: 37 Burpees
    Deadlift: 205x5 w/ 45# plates underneath
    Deadlift emom @165#
